Welcome to Prestamoscondeudas.es, we are a loan marketplace, where the user with just one request can choose the best loan on the market and contract it 100% online. In loans with debts, we use our own algorithms and machine learning to analyze the data of each client and connect them with the financial entities that best suit their profile.

Thus, we not only advise the client, but we also help banks to find the best client, we help the client to obtain the best personal credit and that he can reduce his costs and risks. With our experience and advice you can get credits with ASNEF and fast personal credits online, so do not be afraid to request your credit even while in ASNEF!

Our mission is based on helping families solve their financial problems. We want to help as many people as possible to pay their bills, make the trip of their dreams, pay for some studies, fix their usual vehicle, or whatever they want to do without having to pay usurious interest with financial institutions that offer fast mini-credits with ASNEF.

Once you contact us, our experts in personal loans and personal credits get to work. We look for the best loan and credit option for you. You, don’t worry! Because we also have allies that will help you solve your financial problems and help you get your loan as quickly as possible.

We answer you in less than 24 hours and we offer you different products, with low interests, and completely adjusted to your profile. Best of all, it’s TOTALLY FREE! no commissions, no commitments, no small print.

In addition to our loan services, we have financial partners who, in order to access immediate loans, offer you any of their programs as a solution.
These programs are: We pay your debt, Eliminate your debts with the (Second Chance Law), Recover your interest and Reunify your debts.

Requirements to request a personal credit in Loans with debts.
To request a personal credit without endorsement and with ASNEF you must meet these three requirements:

• Be older than 23 years.
• Have a full-time contract.
• Have a bank account in your name.
• Be in the Delinquency Registry (ASNEF, Equifax, RAI)

If you meet these 4 requirements then you can request your personal credit without online endorsement. We study your case and one of our advisors will contact you in less than 24 hours.

Keep in mind that if you are with ASNEF, before granting you the credit, we proceed to negotiate your debts with your creditors, so that you can obtain your credit.

With this service you can eliminate up to 100% of your debts, in addition, you can choose between several specialized programs, the most important being:

We pay your debt, eliminate your debts and recover your interest.

The latter being completely free! We only charge if we win the lawsuit.

You will wonder why it is free and what do we gain with the Negotiate your debt program?
It is very simple, in negotiating your debt we rely on the Usury Law and most financial companies that offer online credits do not comply with it.

Is it easy to win the lawsuit?

It is easy for us to win the lawsuit, thanks to our excellent team of lawyers, and once we win the lawsuit, that is when the client pays us for our services.

If you have debt, you have a gold mine!

What is the Usury Law?

The term usury refers to an illegal practice that involves charging excessively high interest for a money loan. This fact means that financial institutions and lenders obtain an excessive and unfair profit due to interests that, in this case, would be abusive or usurious.

It is important to know how to differentiate the terms «abusive interest» and «usurious interest», because despite being similar concepts they are not the same, and thus we can use the correct terminology at all times and be precise in the explanations that we will give below.

“Abusive interest” refers to those default or moratorium interest. In other words, it is the compensation paid by the debtor to the creditor for the delay or non-payment of the debt. On the contrary, the
“usurious interest” is associated with remunerative interest, that is, those related to the price to be paid for receiving borrowed money.

In either of the two cases, the term usury frequently appears related to the disproportionate price of a loan, beyond what respects abusive or usurious interests.

What is interest on a loan?

The interest on a loan is the price that must be paid to the entity or the lender for the amount that we borrow. In other words, it is the price of borrowed money. This interest is called remunerative interest.

There are two main reasons lenders charge interest on loans:

For them to obtain a benefit in the future in exchange for temporarily getting rid of their capital, that is, the borrowed money.

To compensate for the possibility of non-payment by the borrower, who is the one who receives the loan, before he finishes recovering the entire loan.

How is usury regulated?

The regulation of usury is contained in a law that is more than a hundred years old. This is what is commonly known as the Azcárate Law, the Usury Repression Law of July 23, 1908. It does not establish precisely when it is considered or not that there is usury in an interest, therefore, it is the Courts themselves those in charge of delimiting the degree of application of this law, to the point that jurisprudence has ended up ruling, through several sentences, what may be usury in Spain.

To better understand this ambiguity that we are commenting on, it is enough to read article 1 of said law. Quote verbatim:

“Any loan contract that stipulates an interest that is certainly higher than normal for money and manifestly disproportionate to the circumstances of the case or in such conditions that it results in leonine will be null, having reasons to estimate that it has been accepted by the borrower because of their distressing situation, their inexperience or their limited mental faculties.

The contract in which it is supposed to have received a greater amount than that actually delivered, regardless of its entity and circumstances, will also be null and void.
The renunciation of his own jurisdiction, within the population, made by the debtor in this type of contract will also be null.

And what is the normal interest on money?

We speak of normal or habitual interest in all those consumer credit operations. The person responsible for this is the Bank of Spain, which analyzes and compiles monthly statistics and information on the interest rates applied by credit institutions in operations to prepare this index. It should be clarified that the normal interest on money is not the same as the legal interest on money.

The normal interest refers to the usual remunerative interest of a consumer credit.

The legal interest is the legal percentage established in the General State Budgets.

The latter, the legal interest on money, is the type used to establish the interest on arrears that the borrower must pay in the event of default or late payment.

Get your money back

At Prestamoscondeudas.es we are specialists in claiming usurious interest. With this you will not only be able to access your credit, but you will also recover part of your money. Advise yourself completely Free!

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